How Does Skipping HVAC Maintenance Affect Utility Bills?

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Regular home HVAC maintenance is a critical component to the longevity of equipment and overall home comfort. As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is always worth a pound of cure, and maintenance of home heating and cooling systems is no exception.

When it comes to the energy efficiency of the home, paying close attention on an annual basis to utility bills and household appliances is critical in determining whether there may be an issue with efficiency or performance. For many, utility bills begin to rise gradually prior to major malfunction with HVAC systems. Therefore, regular and consistent maintenance is the key to a major repair or replacement bill.

Air Conditioning Maintenance

An air conditioner and heating unit outside of a houseAn air conditioner is a complicated appliance that relies on a network of ductwork and cooling components to keep the home comfortable. In Orange County, summer temperatures can reach scorching triple digits, which in turn requires an air conditioner to work even harder to keep the hot dry air out of the home where it belongs.

Over time, the refrigerant needed to quickly cool air down can begin to diminish. An air conditioner with insufficient coolant will eventually lead to damage to the air compressor and full-system malfunction – a costly repair. By keeping an eye on coolant levels, the air conditioner will continue working to its full potential, avoiding the energy bills associated with a device constantly overworking. Other components to monitor include the coils, the blower system and components, and the electrical system.

Heating System Maintenance

Even though this is sunny California, temperatures can dip low enough to require reliable and consistent heating. Checking the heating system is vital to not only reasonable utility bills but is important for home safety as well. Things to consider with heater maintenance include:

  • Exhaust system: If this becomes blocked or restricted, a safety issue could emerge – including a dangerous build-up of carbon monoxide.
  • Fuel lines: These should be checked regularly to promote efficiency and ensure lines are not becoming worn.
  • Burners: A burner that is cracked or covered with debris will not run as efficiently, resulting in higher heating costs.
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Again, regular maintenance checks with a licensed professional can eliminate many of these heating issues before the start, keeping home heating costs low in the frigid winter months.

General Maintenance

At Home Comfort USA, we value our customers and strive to keep HVAC maintenance costs low. Regular checks by a technician are a low-cost way to make sure everything is working properly, up-to-date, and energy bills are affordable and consistent. In addition to checking the technical components of the heater and air conditioner, our team will replace air filters, measure indoor air quality, and run tests to confirm proper air distribution quality throughout the home. At Home Comfort USA, we offer a 32-point tune-up and maintenance inspection at a fraction of the cost of a replacement or major repair – a wise investment indeed.

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