10 Signs Your Heating Unit is Overworking

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It’s normal to not give your heating system much thought throughout its lifetime, especially if you keep up with proper maintenance. However, like any machine, there are many instances where the unexpected may happen and HVAC system malfunctions can sneak up on you quickly. To prevent repairs in your heating unit is important to recognize some of the warning signs that it may be overworking.

An overworked HVAC system can be the result of many factors. With that in mind, the issues that result from an overworked heating system will undoubtedly warrant immediate resolve. Our specialists have created a list of the ten warning signs that indicate an overworked heating system. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, be sure to schedule heating system repair sooner rather than later.   

1. High Energy Bills

If your energy bills are skyrocketing, this could indicate an HVAC unit that’s working overtime to meet desired temperatures. Heating systems draw a significant amount of energy, even when they are operating efficiently. So, an HVAC system that’s working overtime can sometimes double its kilowatt usage. If you’ve noticed a sharp influx in kilowatt usage on your utility bills, the first thing you should check is the functionality of your heating system with a reputable heating repair service.

2. Rooms Heat Unevenly

Another key indicator of an overworking heating system, or one that has not been properly maintained, is a household where rooms heat unevenly. HVAC units rely on a series of vents, ducts, blowers, and registers to adequately disperse heat throughout a home. If your outlets and ductwork haven’t been cleaned or are blocked by debris, material can culminate, block warm air, and present a hazard for homeowners. Sometimes, mechanical issues can also cause rooms to heat unevenly, or not at all.

Also See  Reducing Energy Consumption With a New HVAC System

3. Constantly Adjusting Thermostat

If you find yourself constantly adjusting the thermostat simply to reach your desired indoor temperature, chances are that your home heating system isn’t doing its job. A fully-functional air conditioning system will quickly and effectively heat all of the rooms of your household without delay. If you find yourself adjusting your programmable thermostat more often, it may be time to contact your local HVAC service for a tune-up.

4. Frequent Repairs

It isn’t normal for any heating system to require frequent repairs. If your repairs exceed 50% of the overall cost of your HVAC system, you’re better off investing in a new unit that operates more effectively. In most cases, a heating system that requires frequent repairs has most likely exceeded its 15-year lifespan and requires replacement. 

5. Dusty House

The furnace filter catches dust, dirt, dander, and other debris as it cycles through ductwork. If you’ve noticed an increase in these materials around your home, that means that your furnace filter isn’t capturing the dust as it should and is ultimately overworking itself to try and contain it. In most cases, the dirty air filter is clogged and needs to be cleaned. 

6. Strange Noises

Clanging, banging, screeching, and other strange noises aren’t normal sounds in a heating system. More often than not, these noises are indicative of a malfunctioning heating system with damaged components that require furnace repairs. 

7. Leaking Carbon Monoxide

Mechanical problems with a heating system can cause dangerous carbon monoxide leaks that can be identified by changes in physical health. Most homeowners and their loved ones may experience headaches, dizziness, trouble breathing, and nausea. If you or a family member are experiencing these systems, schedule heating system repair right away. 

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8. Yellow Pilot Light

A yellow pilot light is another indicator of leaking carbon monoxide. Normally, a pilot light should be a steady blue. If yours is yellow, contact your local HVAC technician right away. 

9. Blocked Air Vents

Vents that are blocked by furniture can be detrimental to a heating system’s ability to adequately heat a home. This will often cause homeowners to adjust thermostats regularly or think that their system isn’t working. Take some time to check your vents and make sure that they are not obstructed by any furniture. 

10. HVAC Unit Won’t Start

After a prolonged period in which your heating system is overworking or working with damaged components, a unit may not start or work at all. If your unit won’t start, it’s time to contact an HVAC specialist. 

Do You Require Heating System Repair?

Home Comfort USA has been providing the homeowners of California with expert heating system repair services for years. If you require maintenance, repairs, or heating system replacement, contact us today!

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