Working with Awaken to Stop Commercial Sexual Exploitation

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Awaken LogoOne of the most important things Ken Starr and the team of Home Comfort USA strive for is to be an active member of the community, both in Southern California and outside of it. Proud of their dedication to excellence in providing heating and air conditioning installation and service in the region, they strive to do more and give back in as many ways as possible.

This has become evident in the myriad ways that Ken Starr has led his Home Comfort USA team to support the community, including ongoing support and sponsorship of Awaken – an organization focused on eradicating commercial sexual exploitation.

In addition to several other organizations with which Ken and Home Comfort USA have worked over the last several years, Awaken represents an opportunity to give back and make the lives of those less fortunate better. With 257 girls helped to date through the efforts of Home Comfort USA, lives have been bettered.

About Awaken

Help Awaken End Child ExploitationAwaken works to transform the community with the goal of eradicating commercial sexual exploitation. By uniting communities against sex trafficking, Awaken helps the victims of this exploitation to be restored to their fullest potential and live lives that are as fulfilling as they can be. Founded by Melissa Holland and Jen Robinson, Awaken has been helping women to escape commercial sexual exploitation and counseling them to regain their lives since 2011.

Help AwakenToday, Awaken works toward their goals in a number of ways. By providing direct services to women and girls eager to escape CSE, they are able to provide transitional housing and transportation, financial aid, legal and medical assistance, counseling and mentorship. Their drop-in center, opened in January 2016 provides an easy access point to these services, and ongoing prevention and education programs in local schools help to ensure students understand the realities of sex trafficking and how to prevent it from happening.

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Working to Improve the Lives of Our Community

Ken Starr and Home Comfort USA are dedicated to making the community a better place for everyone in it, and to help the women and girls who find themselves in a life they do not want to lead. By supporting Awaken, along with other local and international efforts to support the poorest and neediest among us, Home Comfort USA hopes to give back and make the world a better place.

Learn more about Home Comfort USA and their efforts locally with the Sheepfold, and internationally with Compass International and other ministries and non-profits.

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