3 Ways To Extend The Lifespan Of Your AC Unit

tech providing ac maintenance to extend ac lifespan

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AC maintenance is key to ensuring the full functionality of your air conditioner. There are many ways to maintain the integrity of your air conditioner’s usefulness. Nevertheless, extending the lifespan of your AC depends on keeping a close eye on your unit. 

Maintaining Your Investment

You shouldn’t have to dispose of an air conditioning unit that you’ve invested in. Investments are called investments because they offer material results. So, don’t throw your hard earned money away, contact Home Comfort USA where our technicians specialize in a 32 point tune up that will diagnose your problem and provide exceptional maintenance of AC systems in your home!

No one wants a malfunctioning air conditioner. So, here are three ways to extend the usefulness and lifespan of your AC unit.   

1) Managing Leaks

It isn’t normal for air conditioners to leak fluid. In fact, a leaking air conditioner can be a sign of a refrigerant leak or frozen coils. Refrigerant is the liquid used to cycle hot and cold air through your unit. This coolant is housed in the unit and transforms hot air to cold air and expels it into the room. Coolant leaks can freeze the coils of your AC which could result in many issues, mainly the inability to produce cold air. 

Home Comfort USA technicians specialize in fixing these leaks regardless of their origin and ensure a fully functional AC. Coolant can be a hazardous chemical that’s detrimental to your health and should not be tampered with. It’s best to leave the process of fixing any form of AC leak to those who specialize in AC maintenance. So, if you see a leak, call an AC pro!

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2) Adequate Testing

Air conditioners, like people, require checkups periodically. Therefore, at Home Comfort USA, we’re proud to provide a service that includes a 32-point AC inspection that highlights problems and ensures your unit’s full functionality.

A 32-point inspection includes measuring amperage and voltage for proper operation, testing for proper operation and calibration of the thermostat, cleaning existing air filters, inspecting the coils, monitoring operation for safety devices, and more! Adequate testing is crucial to extending the lifespan of your AC.

3) Ductwork Inspection

Inspecting the functionality of your ducts to transmit cold and hot air properly is an integral part of extending the life of your air conditioner. Supply ducts are responsible for transporting cold air throughout your home, whereas return ducts report the current temperature of the living area to the thermostat of the unit. It’s important to have clean and fully functional ducts to prevent airborne illnesses and keep your living area cool. Without serviceable ducts, you won’t have a working AC unit.

Want to Learn More?

Replacing an air conditioner should be the last and final option when considering your current air conditioner’s usefulness. Services like Home Comfort USA have provided individuals with the expertise they need to extend the lifespans of their AC units. With regular maintenance and the right technicians, your air conditioner can last anywhere from 10 to 15 years! Contact Home Comfort USA today if you need an inspection, repairs, or simply have questions you’d like answered by the pros!

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