AC Repairs: 3 Signs that it’s Time to Call a Professional Technician

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Some homeowners have a can-do attitude that carries them through many do-it-yourself projects around their homes. When it comes to AC repairs, DIY projects may lead to feeling a bit overwhelmed. There are minor projects that homeowners can do just with a bit of research. However, other projects require the expertise of an AC technician. Be sure to call a technician to service your air conditioners in the following three scenarios. 

1) AC Won’t Turn On

If your air conditioner won’t turn on, despite a working thermostat, it is a sign of a more serious issue. This could be a power issue with the unit, a blown fuse, an emergency shut-off feature, or something more significant. A blown fuse is a simple fix, but it requires equipment to measure the electrical output from the air conditioner. Other times there’s a more serious power issue or AC repair at play. There are instances when an evaporator coil problem can prevent your air conditioner from turning on. In these cases, Freon, the refrigerant that helps your AC cool your living space, may cause the entire machine to freeze. 

Electrocuting yourself is a real possibility when you’re trying to diagnose power concerns with an air conditioner. And Freon can cause devastating health effects. AC technicians have specialized training to allow them to safely inspect, diagnose, and resolve AC concerns without putting themselves at much risk. Homeowners should utilize these services to protect themselves and their loved ones, and to keep their air conditioning units in good condition. 

2) Air Conditioner Blowing Warm Air

An air conditioner that isn’t working to cool down your home could have a variety of issues. Some of these issues are simple to fix, while others require more specialized intervention. 

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A thermostat that isn’t working properly can be the reason your air conditioner is failing to produce cool air. Issues with the evaporator coil can also prevent your air conditioner from cooling your home. The range of problems that can produce this result vary so widely that a homeowner’s best shot at addressing the issue is to engage with an AC technician. 

3) Leaking Evaporator Coil

A leaking evaporator coil is a difficult problem to fix. Between the equipment needed to address this issue and the health risk that comes with Freon exposure, this is an AC repair that should definitely be left up to the professionals. Additionally, the process for fixing a leaking evaporator coil depends on the severity of the leak. If there’s minimal damage, you will just need to repair the coil. With more extensive damage, the coil may need to be replaced, which is a repair that requires more training and skill. 

Homeowners shouldn’t risk the inhalation of Freon or take the chance of making air conditioner issues worse to fix their evaporator coils themselves. An AC technician can patch a leaking evaporator coil or replace it based on its condition, while minimizing the risk of health issues and further damage to the air conditioner. 

Don’t assume the risk of fixing an air conditioner yourself. Let the experts at Home Comfort USA take care of you by restoring your air conditioner back to full functionality today. For more information about the services we provide, please visit our website


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