Quality Attic Insulation Will Reduce Heating and Cooling Costs

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Attic InsulationHome Comfort USA offers only the latest and greatest in energy-efficient air conditioning systems. However, there are certain steps that you can take to make your home’s A/C even more efficient. One way that you can make significant reductions to your home’s heating and cooling bill is with high-quality attic insulation.

You may be thinking that your roof is doing an adequate job of blocking the sun’s heat from your home. In fact, the complete opposite is true. Your roof actually increases the temperature within your home. When your roof is exposed to the sun, it “bakes” much like a hot sidewalk and eventually transfers to the rest of your house.

Attic insulation stops the flow of heat into your home in 2 different ways:

  1. Attic insulation reflects exterior heat back to its source
  2. Attic insulation forms a barrier that prevents cool air from escaping the inside of your home. This barrier will also stop the flow of humidity into your home

Ultimately, quality attic insulation keeps your home cool, keeps you and your family cool, and saves you a great deal of money on heating and cooling!

If your utility bill has been increasing and your HVAC unit is working at full capacity, then chances are your attic insulation has degraded. Over a period of time, the cellulose or fiberglass that forms your insulation “settles” and stops serving its purpose. In order to keep your home at the temperature that you are used to, your air conditioning system will have to work overtime. This means that your air conditioning will require more electricity to generate the same amount of energy, putting a major dent in your wallet.

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When Should You Replace Your Insulation

Even if you aren’t experiencing significant problems with your attic insulation, it’s still best to replace your attic insulation sooner rather then later. Unnecessary wear and tear on your air conditioning unit WILL result in you having to make expensive emergency repairs. Besides, your attic insulation will pay for itself before you have to worry about the hassle of repairing or replacing your air conditioning system!

We at Home Comfort USA consider our customers to be family, so we want you to stay cool and comfortable with the most bang for your buck. When you are ready for us to drop by, just fill out this contact form and we’ll assist you at your convenience.

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